Farmer`s Market Outing

Sweet Honey tastings........
Honey to take home to pour over pancakes.............
Honeycomb to look up close at & touch............
Beehive candle.......
and the lady shared with us about the bees and how honey & honeycombs
are made and how the honey tastes different from the type of flowers
they sip nectar from............buzzzz buzzzz

Up close view of a beehive and bees in action
doing their busy work....................
Our Bee hunt at the botanical gardens

The bee went right inside this flower

we looked closely and found bees on many different flowers...

These were full of Beeessss........

Mainlesson blackboard drawing

Bee Craft.....................

Bees a buzzing in our sunflowers
zipping from flower to flower
sipping nectar...........buzzzzz.......
Needle felted Bees........

The children are really enjoying needle felting.................

Our summer bees a buzzzingggggggg..........
~~Candle Lanterns~~
A Trip to the Market Honey Shop


We melted the beeswax then dipped our water filled balloons
into the beeswax.............................

These are the beautiful candle lanterns we made.....................