What is our real relationship to animals
are they here for us to use as food and to suffer at our expense...
or are they our friends and something to treasure
another beautiful creation of life its self................
To me when I touch an animal...........
hold one in my arms.................
look into their eyes.............
I have a deep sense of appreciation and oneness with them
I respect,value and admire each expression of life they are.
I feel we share this world with them
and they are worthy of our care & love...
To be Human and really a part of life
is to have a heart closeness ..............
and awareness we are all one
and if you can extend a kind hand to another life
who also shares this wonderful world................
we make a truly peaceful place for us all to dwell in.......
and live in harmony with one another.~
Farm Animals
This is going to be the 1st Block in our year long
focus on Animal World & Life...........................
To share with the children all the amazing Animals
who share life with us.......................