King Lake
KingLake and healesville are places close to my heart
It was here I spent time with Adam and his family.
I hope you are alright...................
Kinglake is where I spent time with a beautiful woman,
Heldie ,who has since died from cancer,
she showed me a woman/mother can build a mudbrick house
as I walked and stayed in the house she built by hand,
she shared photos with me
showing her laying bricks,living in a caravan
with three small boys, wow what a person.
Her house was so beautiful and natural
I remenber walking in her gardens with her
and sharing my dream of my own home
and she replied with
I hope I inspire you with the knowing it can be done...
I hope in some way this beautiful house still stands
the creation from a beautiful woman.............................
I remember on my bedroom wall
was a huge painting
her son had painted
I felt so nutured by the energy of the painting,
before I left her Place to return home
I walked into the bush
and burried a buddha charm
by the base of a huge burnt tree stump
the tree felt so powerful .......I just had to touch it........
To all the people who have been apart of the recent
fire I send my heart prayers
I can not even start to imagine what you all
have experienced.........................
I hope life returns a kind hand to you
where it seems now you were dealt a cruel blow
I hope in time you heal
and life returns and though you will never forget
in some way may you be touched
and grow stronger
and know love......................
My heart and blessings
are with you....
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