Welcome to the Enchanted Garden of Childhood

In these pages I share the life we dream and live.
To share a journey of a family,
My path as a woman .
Come and see our homeschooling days

Friday, March 13, 2009

Summer Goodbye

The Summer family is saying goodbye as they are making room for the Autumn family to come.

Summer goodbye, Summer goodbye
you may no longer stay
Autumn is on its way
summer goodbye, summer goodbye

The Heat is going
with some warm days lingering on
as the seasons change
from one to another

the plants show signs of the summer`s intense heat
as they welcome the coolness and refreshing rains
a time of renewal and growth from within

Fullness of summer
has died and gone to sleep under the earth
ready to awaken again next spring
with the warming of the sun

Sunflower awaken to the sun
by opening wide with all her glory
and now has transformed herself
into magical seeds full of life
awaiting next summer to greet a new summer`s day

Corn growing strong through the summer heat
has now given a gift of new life
slowly emerging from her cocoon
a corn husk starts to open
if eaten then be no more
but if the seeds are saved
new life returns next summer

Leaves a blowing

Windmills turning

Angel bells ringing

I hear the call to come and play with the wind...........

I turn now to the garden to prepare, create , refresh
clear away summer`s end and make room for new growth
weeds are gathered, paths made a new, gardens prepared

new projects started before the rains come............

firewood gathered and stored............................
ready for the cold days of winter
where we snuggle and eat by open fire

I start to smell and taste the call for baking
potatoes and damper in the fire
crumbles and muffins with custard on dark evenings
pumpkin soup made from our carved pumpkin

late night reading snuggled with a blanket wrapped around

Making and doing
woodwork where my hands work one with the wood
and I feel the trees they once were
kite making to fly in the wind.......
Knitting, weaving, doll making....... making treasures

Easter the new gateway to the journey of the year ahead
a gift of life and renewal
before we walk into the darkness of winter
which I do so love
walking with the wind
dancing in the rain
smelling the freshness of rain
snuggling in bed
sleeping deeply through the coldness of night
to awaken to a new day with my own sun shinning bright

Summer goodbye.............

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