Welcome to the Enchanted Garden of Childhood

In these pages I share the life we dream and live.
To share a journey of a family,
My path as a woman .
Come and see our homeschooling days

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

~Autumn Season`s Altar~

Beautiful images of people`s creations
I have gathered for inspiration and appreciation.
The internet is a wonderful place of sharing...................

The Season`s Altar

I wait to the time feels right to change the altar
as this needs to be a gentle change because the children become
attached to what we have created.I have found they accept the change
with happiness and new excitment when done in this way................

Colours change and the Autumn Girl and Boy appear
surrounded by treasures collected
and our first fallen leaves we found........................
sweetcorn has just been added for our harvest and gathering
and I become inspired at what to make and add next.................
Felt pumpkin house,pumpkin children,mushroom children,
boy with kite,squirrels


The days grow shorter and colder
A feeling of pulling in and keeping warm
and also of running flying free with the wind
a real drawing out to the natural world around
Raindrops falling down and touching us ~

Autumn Adventure ~Acorn Gathering~

I sat down on the playground watching the children
when I looked up
and saw something so simple yet so magical
the wind was blowing these leaves
and they were all dancing so gently
I became enchanted ~*~
like I was being whisp away to a magical realm of being.

~Treasures Gathered and taken home~

The children immediately gathered the acorn children and animals
and started playing.It was a really beautiful moment,
as I listened to their play
and watched them create a world with them.
It is so different to going to a shop and buying a new toy to play with.
Somehow it just expands a natural beauty which really enlivens
the children`s spirits.

~ Squirrel Circletime~

Story Picture books

Cirletime Songs

Brown Squirrel ,brown squirrel
swish your bushy tail
wrinkle up your little nose
hold a nut between your toes
brown squirrel, brown squirrel

Its Autumn Time
Its Autumn Time
leaves are falling down
the wind is blowing around
the squirrels have come out to play

Squirrel Painting

Earl the Squirrel

Oak Tree

The fresh brown earth
had a little secret inside
a acorn lay deep asleep
oneday a green shoot appeared
and grew and grew and grew......
it turned into a Oak tree
and grew taller and wider each day
until it was a big tall tree....................
Then one day it started to become colder
and the leaves changed colour and fell to the ground
and so did the baby acorns......................................

~ Squirrel Making ~

Paper Acorns

Ready for our Seasons Tree on our window.......................................

Squirrel Handstick puppets

Here Comes the squirrels...............................

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~ Owl CircleTime ~

<<<<<<A Wise Old Owl sat in an oak>>>>>>>
The more he heard, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he heard
Why aren`t we all like that wise old bird?

Picture Story books

Owl CircleTime songs and poetry

brown owl, brown owl
whooo, whoo, whoo
brown owl, brown owl
whoo, whoo, whoo
we see you sitting in a tree
and when he looks at you
he flaps his wings
and says whoo whoo whoooo

When it is dark outside
and the moon is full
lets walk outside
into the darkness and silence
and see if we can find a owl
whooooo, whoooo whooo

Owl Painting

One night the moon was full
shinning in the night sky
tree tops swaying in the silence of the darkness
when all of a sudden
something moved from within the shadows of the trees
it was an owl flying across the night sky................

There was once an old old tree
with branches reaching all the way to the sky
a golden brown colour surrounded by the night sky
and in the tree was a hole
looking closely
I found a owl looking out at me.........................
whooo whooooo whooooo