Beautiful images of people`s creations
I have gathered for inspiration and appreciation.
The internet is a wonderful place of sharing...................
I wait to the time feels right to change the altar
as this needs to be a gentle change because the children become
attached to what we have created.I have found they accept the change
with happiness and new excitment when done in this way................
Colours change and the Autumn Girl and Boy appear
surrounded by treasures collected
and our first fallen leaves we found........................
sweetcorn has just been added for our harvest and gathering
and I become inspired at what to make and add next.................
Felt pumpkin house,pumpkin children,mushroom children,
boy with kite,squirrels
The days grow shorter and colder
A feeling of pulling in and keeping warm
and also of running flying free with the wind
a real drawing out to the natural world around
Raindrops falling down and touching us ~
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