Eight pointed window stars......................
Stepping on eight stones and counting out loud.......................
forward and backwards.....................
Gathering 8 things from the playroom................
seeing how eight can be 2&2&2&2 or 5 &3.....................
Throwing 8 balls through a hoop and counting...........................
Eating 8 pieces of orange..........................
And for the farmer he keeps being woken up from his afternoon sleep
by the new animals which come and find him to join his farm.............
Mooooooooooo Mooooo What!!!! what was that awakening me?????
(lots of laughter from the kids as the farmer jumps up in surprise!!!!)
Blackboard drawing for Number Eight.............
Mr octopus had to come and play followed by the story of Tickly Octopus

Number Eight in main lesson Book.............................
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