The Prince`s Adventure
Once Upon A Time, a long time ago...........................
there lived a wise and good King................................
Jaiden really excited and very Keen to write & draw the alphabet..................................
he seems really ready to start writing and learning in this way.............
we read the fairytale of the golden goose...............
tell me a joke and juggle for me..............................
we used our jester hand puppet to be entertaining...
who jaiden remember from the story always carries an umbrella.
the proud prince from our story.........................
Jaiden`s favourite he was a kind man and ruled his Kingdom well.
W for wise woman..................
who lives in the world of waves......................
This is a very exciting time as Jaiden moves into a new way of expression
really bringing written language to life....a new beginning..............
a crossing over in his journey into I hope a life long love of learning
and expressing himself.........................................................................
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