All ready under our tree with Magic Dust
to throw out the front on the eve before Saint Nicholas Day
so Saint Nicholas knows children live here..............
look what was left on our front door step...............
Magical Scene Jaiden created................................
~*~ Saint Lucia Day ~*~
Seasons Altar
Christmas Advent comes to the play room
Mary & Joesph appear...............
and their Holy pathway to walk
~~Advent Spiral~~
Round & Round the Angel goes
spiraling in to the middle
Christmas Day...............................
creating this by hand & heart
it brought beauty & special softness to Advent
and our home...................................
~Advent Wreath~
Advent wreath to light A candle each Sunday....................
& Sing a song and Read Advent stories.....................
Creating Warmth and Meaning to our Christmas.............
beautiful smell of beeswax floating through the room.
Magical Xmas Tree Forest
Christmas Tree & Making tree decorations
Paper folded Angels
Felted weaved Hearts
Needle felted Decorations
Dried straw grass gathered from garden
and winded into stars..........................
Paper Lanterns
~~Special Present Making~~
~~Enchanted Angel Christmas Tree~~
Needle Felted Angel
Special hills drives to do christmas craft with Lucy
To make treasures to Keep
and to watch Waldorf inspired christmas play
Elves & the shoe maker
(which was truly magical)
~~Magic wool Angels~~
~~Nativity Set~~
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